Welcome to The Muslimah Collections, where our journey began from a genuine desire to address the limited options for modest Islamic clothing in the West.

Approximately eleven years ago, as a teenager I became a niqabi, navigating the Western world, and I faced the challenge of finding diverse and affordable attire.
I used to attend university and work part time with full niqab, and the wide-eyed stares were numerous. I began to think that wearing black was the only option, because that’s all I could find in any Islamic store.
Fueled by this gap in the market, my husband and I embarked on a mission during our visit to Dubai in collaboration with local fabric sellers and tailors.

In May 2018, at a Toronto conference, we nervously presented our designs in a booth built by our own hands with the help of my father (may Allah protect him and grant him Jannah). To our surprise, the response was overwhelming - sold-out merchandise and a profound realization of the very real need for diverse modest wear for both our brothers and sisters.

Alhamdulillah, we are grateful for this journey and the opportunity to provide a solution for sisters and brothers seeking modest clothing options. Our commitment is reflected in The Muslimah Collections, a manifestation of your feedback and our dedication to filling this gap.

Join us in this venture, where we strive to cater to the modest dressing needs of our fellow Muslims brothers and sisters!

Follow us:

Instagram @themuslimahcollections
TikTok @themuslimahcollection.

We look forward to serving you soon, insha'Allah.

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